
To run a perl script, just make sure it is executable and readable (chmod u+rx scriptname) and then run it (./scriptname).
All perl scripts start with
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
(the -w is optional and turns warning on, but there is no reason not to use it). The next line is usually:
use strict;
This is not necessary, but forces you to write cleaner programs and is a real good idea. After the first line, all line MUST end with a semicolon.
To write something to the screen:
print "Hello World\n";
The \n means print a newline.


All scalar variable names in perl start with a dollar sign. All array names start with an ampersand (@). Unlike many other languages, there is no difference between integers, floating point numbers, or strings. The first time you use a variable in a program, you need to put the word "my" in front of it to declare it. But, you may declare a variable in any part of a program. The equal sign is used to give a variable a value. If a variable has a numeric value, you may do math (+,-,*,/) on it. Also, individual elements of an array (@array) are handled as scalar varibles ($array[1] for example). Arrays grow and shrink as needed. For any array, there is a special variable ($#array) which is the current size of the array.


Of course, a programming language must be able to do things multiple times. This is where loops come in. A for loop is done as:
my $i;
print "$i\n";

Running Programs

Often, one needs to run another program from perl. This can be done with the system command.
system "ls";
If you want to use the output of the command in your script you can use:
my $computer=`hostname`;
Instead of the system command, we used the backtick (the apostrophe like thing below the tilda (~) on most keyboards). Now $computer will have the output of the hostname command.


The chomp command (chomp($variable)); removes a single newline at the end of a variable. Sounds dumb, but it is very useful.
A good way to get input from the keyboard is with:
Also useful is glob, which is similar to wildcards in the shell, e.g.;
my $JPG=glob "*.jpg";

Although what we covered is basically enough to do whatever you could do with shell scripting, we haven't touched on the best features of Perl: regular expressions and text processing. For these, check the resources mentioned before.

This file contains everything we talked about above (and a little more).