Brief Shell Scripting tutorial


There are two main things we can use shell scripting for. The first is for scripts and second is for startup files.

Because the default login shell on the department machines is tcsh (a slightly more modern version of the C Shell), we will work with that. Most new systems use bash as their default shell, but due to our history as a mostly Sun setup, we still use tcsh. First we will work on stand alone scripts.

Shell Scripts

Shell scripts are plain text files. Simply make a file with your text editor of choice. Make sure you have execute permissions on the file (which will most likely not be set by default).
The first line of a shell script must be: #!/bin/tcsh
After that line, any line that starts with a # is a comment and is ignored by the shell.
After the first line, you put commands (anything you would type at the shell prompt), pipes and redirects, loops, and variables. The syntax bears some relation to the C language (hence the name "C-Shell"), but not much.


set variable = value
unset variable
set array = ( 1 2 3 )
echo $array[1] (note, arrays start at 1, not 0 like in C).
@var = $var1 + $var2
The last one shows that you need to use a $ when you use variables except when you set or unset it. e.g., echo $var1


if ($array[1]>0)then
echo "true"
echo "false"

foreach variable (list)
echo $variable

Login Files

Most UNIX programs have options that are set by text files kept in your home directory. These files are often called "dot-files" because they begin with a period which makes them invisible. You can see them by typing ls -a.
We will only take about the file to control your shell since it uses the same syntax as shell scripts. For our shell (tcsh) the file is either .cshrc or .tcshrc. Open this with your text editor and we can see some of what we can do in this file.
The first thing is that after you change something in you .tcshrc file, you must either open a new terminal, log out and back in, or type source .tcshrc. Any of these things will make you changes used by the shell you are working on.
The shell dot-file allows you to set environment variables. This is done with:
setenv variable value
A common use for this is to add things to your path (where the shell looks for programs to run).
setenv PATH /some/new/path:$PATH
You may also use the dot-file to setup aliases which are basically new commands.
alias name 'command'
Note: Sometimes people try to make the rm command safer by doing something like alias rm 'rm -i' so that rm asks for confirmation every time you use it. This is a VERY BAD IDEA. Do not do this ever.
One last hint. If you go back and forth between the Linux machines and the Suns, you may want to have parts of your dot-file only used on one type of system. You may do this with if loops:
if ("$ARCH" == Linux) then (or sparcSolaris for the Suns)

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