readme_html_include.txt for version 1.0 This program is Copyright 2004 John C. Vernaleo Unfortunately, I am not comfortable putting unobscured email addresses on the web, but these shouldn't be too hard to figure out. (my_first_name) or (my_last_name) This is free software and is distributed under the terms of the GNU GPL. See file gpl.txt (which should be included) for the full text. This script takes some common pices of html and puts it in a specified place in other html files. I use it on my webpage to avoid using server side includes (since the poor little Sun Ultra10 that acts as our department web server does not need any extra work). It has the advantage over server side includes that it leaves you with your complete files right away, which may then be validated locally instead of having to go through the server. The common html goes in a file called "". In any html files you want modified, place the comments "" and ""; in the appropriate places. Anything between them will be replaced by the contents of When run, the script looks in the current working directory, and modifies any file with the extension .html and the BEGIN and END insert comments. All other files are ignored.