09/10/2009 John C. Vernaleo This is still only a draft. Directions for running simple box problem. 1. Download latest tarball from http://www.netpurgatory.com/zeusmp.html 2. Unpack sources: tar -xvzf zeusmp1.5.15.tar.gz 3. cd zeusmp/src 4. Edit configure.pl for you system if necessary (may not be). 5. Run configure script ./configure.pl 6. Edit Makefile In the section "Fortran object files", make sure the problem file you want to use (box.o is the simplest test one) is uncommented, and all the other ones are commmented out. 7. cd ../problems 8. For box problem, you may use the script choose.pl ./choose.pl box or You may manually do (for the box example): cp zeusmp.def.box ../src/zeusmp.def cp zmp_inp.box ../exe/zmp_inp 9. cd ../src 10. Modify zeusmp.def if desired. Here is where set the PROBLEM file to match what you have in the Makefile (currently it should be set correctly for the box test problem). 11. make all 12. cd ../exe 13. lamboot 14. mpirun -np 1 zeusmp.x 15. wipe OR, you may replace steps 13-15 by simply running the script: ./mpiwrap.pl 16 ./zmp_pp.x This allows you to combine the outputs from multiple processors into single hdf files for easier analysis.